Dietetics & Nutrition

Dietitians work with people who are nutritionally at risk because they are unwell and/or undergoing treatment that affects their nutritional status and their ability to eat. The Department of Nutrition and Dietetics at the Z. H. Sikder Women’s Medical College & Hospital (Pvt.) Ltd. continues to serve patients with an ever-increasing staff based on evidence-based applications, while patient preferences are strictly respected. At the Nutrition and Dietetics Clinic, we implement “personalized diet programs” that are health-protecting and sometimes provide a therapeutic component. Not only we undertake nutritional treatments for inpatients, we also plan the menus that are prescribed by doctors and/or dietitians for inpatients throughout the facility. The Nutrition and Dietetics Department aims to encourage patients to increase their healthy eating knowledge and to promote behavioral changes in patients who are admitted due to health problems. Next, a personalized nutrition plan is formulated considering age, height, gender and the specific physiology of each patient & each customized plan are regularly monitored. Moreover, eating plans are created and literature is provided for patients with specific conditions such as diabetes mellitus or who are undergoing natural physical changes such as pregnancy, lactation, childhood, and adolescence.

Condition Treated

  • Medical nutrition treatment of inpatients,
  • A nutritional treatment plan for patients who are included in the cancer program,
  • Malnutrition,
  • Enteral and parenteral nutrition,
  • Nutritional education for lactation,
  • Education concerning food-drug interaction,
  • Monthly menu planning for inpatients and personnel are some examples of practices that are within our mandate

Concern Department IPD

For IPD there is a departmental SOP (Standard Operating Procedure). Dietitians plan diet for each and every patient according to the diagnosis and requirement. Dietitians meet all the patients on admission to assess their nutritional status and to know their food habits. On basis of the nutritional status of the patients and their liking, disliking, food allergies and ethnic background diet plans are formulated. Feedback is taken from each patient on a daily basis to minimize any diet related hazards. The patients who are unable to have normal foods (mainly Geriatric patients and children) special care are taken to keep their nutritional status on the mark. Diet counseling of patient and patients’ relative are done during the discharge. Diet chart is also provided. All the dietary advices are planned in coordination with the treating consultant. One of the major parts of dietary services is providing therapeutic diet to the admitted patients. All the meals are nutritionally balanced and food quality is checked by the dietitians every day. There are set menu for different types of diseases, but modification is done on the basis of individual requirement. All foods are cooked and served maintaining the highest hygienic norms. Quality of raw food products are checked regularly. Proper temperature is maintained to keep frozen food items healthy. The stored food is used by FIFO (First in first out) method.

Concern Department OPD

For OPD patients (Outpatient department) diet counseling are done by the dietitians on doctor referral basis. But individual can come for a diet consultation by self-interest on appointment basis. We provide guidance on nutrition plans for patients with nutrition-related concerns, such as decreasing cholesterol or improving blood sugar. Each plan takes a patient’s lifestyle, needs and food preferences into consideration. Our experts can also help patients overcome barriers that keep them from achieving their nutrition and lifestyle goals

  • Nutritional Counselling
  • Weight management- obesity control/ weight gaining diet/ balanced diet
  • Nutritional management of – pregnant/lactating women/ Gestational Diabetes
  • Pediatric Nutritional management of- infancy/ pre-school children/school going children
  • Adolescent Nutrition/ Geriatric Nutrition
  • Disease based diet- Diabetes/ Kidney Disease/ Heart Disease/ liver Disease/ Stroke/Cancer Hypertension / Dyslipidemia / Epilepsy Anemia/ Thalassemia/ Thyroids / PCOS/ Arthritis IBS/ Hemorrhoids.

Naso-gastric tube feeding diet chart Neutropenic diet Nutrition management in Burns Nutrigenomic counselling center 40 plus women clinic

Hotline: 0960 900 4444 (0,119)
Mob: +88 01313 752 222

Dhanmondi Branch

Monica Estate, Western Side of Dhanmondi, Dhaka – 1209 Bangladesh.
Tel: +88-02-9181005-8
Fax: +88-02-9181010
